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ask the Yijing your question

Brief user guide.

Formulate your question for the Yijing (formerly we wrote: I Ching, but the pronunciation remains the same) in the text input box above. This question and the answer given by the Yijing can only be read by you.

The answer from the Yijing appears by clicking the red Answer button or by clicking the three coins image. You see two hexagrams emerge. The left hexagram, the cast hexagram, tells about the situation you are in, about how things are now, the right hexagram, the relating hexagram, tells about which steps you can take to restore or strengthen the harmony. If none of the lines move, there is no relating hexagram, and then you see an image of the Duke of Zhou, who urges you to study the Judgment. By clicking in the hexagram on the buttons 'the Character', 'the Judgment' or 'the Image' the Yijing gives the individual applicable comments.
The changing lines of the cast hexagram are displayed underneath the two hexagrams. If no line moves, then you study the Sign and read the Judgment. All six red lines in the hexagrams can be clicked separately. The red lines are therefore also buttons. Their meaning appears in a new smaller window, which you can close again.
It is possible to ask a new question by clicking on the coins or by selecting 'ask a question' from the menu at the top of the page.
Many parts of the pages on this site are clickable - so feel free explore this site and explore by doing so the ancient database of wisdom that forms the Yijing.

rotating Chinese coin

This site gives you the possibility to take an account. Having an account means that you can save your questions and answers and read them again later. An account costs $12 yearly. It is of value to reread lateron what the Yijing replied to your question. You read the answer differently and it is a good way to learn to understand symbolic language of the Yijing better. You can also add your notes to each of your stored answers.

A detailed explanation and a user manual on the Yijing can be found in the foreword by C.G. Jung and in the introduction of the translator of this text, R. Wilhelm. This introduction also explains more about how to ask a question to the Yijing.
The historical Chinese explanation, with commentary from R. Wilhelm, about the Yijing can be read in the Ten Wings.
If you want to learn more about the backgrounds and the use of the Yijing, please visit the site of the Yijing Research Center.

For those who want to concentrate on their question, an antique Tibetan singing bowl is shown at the bottom of this page. Click on the bowl for its sound.

NB. This site is regularly updated and improved. That job is not finished yet.
If you as a user have suggestions or comments, would you like to let them know? You can email your comments via this link. All reactions are highly appreciated.